Examples of an Opening Scene

October 19, 2016

1. The perks of being a wallflower

Image result for the perks of being a wallflower tunnelImage result for the perks of being a wallflower charlie writing

The film opening of 'The perks of being a wallflower' does not introduce much of the plot. All you can see is a passing-by tunnel at midnight and only at the end of the 2 minutes the key character Charlie is introduced.
Only when the credits stop and the shot of Charlie appears a little bit of monologue starts.
At the start of the opening you can hear the noise of a typewriter which accompanies the first titles of the main actors written in a typewriter font. This links to Charlie's passion for writing which is a main focus later on as he is given a typewriter by his crush Sam.
The only locations which are introduced in these first minutes is a highway and the tunnel which is an important part of the movie later on and the bedroom of Charlie.

2. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone

Image result for harry potter and the philosopher's stone opening sceneImage result for harry potter and the philosopher's stone opening scene

The opening scene of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone' does give a bit of understanding of the plot but does not explain anything. All you get in these 2 minutes is an old man in with a magical device, a cat which turns into an old lady and a big man on a flying motorbike caring a little sleeping boy with a scar on his forehead.
There is a lot of dialog going on about the purpose of the little boy being there but nothing makes sense so you have to keep watching to understand the opening scene.
The key character Harry Potter is introduced, even though he is at a different age at that time as he is throughout the rest of the film, but the fact that all the dialog is based on his existence clarifies that he is the main character.
In the beginning is a shot of the 'Private Drive' sign, showing that they are in a (normal) living area, which is the only location in the opening scene.
The first two minutes do not contain any credits, only after about 3-4 minutes the credits start.

3. The Breakfast Club

Image result for the breakfast club opening

The opening scene of 'The breakfast club' only contains the credits of the film, like director, name of the film, production and actors, with some soundtrack playing in the background.

Student made opening scenes

This opening sequence is a little confusing. It starts with someone typing some sort of article and a bus accidents which is all over news. He then gets ready and walks through London when there is a shot of a building and it says 'Secret Intelligence Service'. It does not really explain any link between the accident and the guy but I'm thinking that he might have something to do with it because he was writing something like a report in the beginning. I do like the cinematography and how they captured the process of him getting ready whilst doing the credits and the different locations of London are captured very nice as well. There is only one key character and no dialog at all, except a reporter in the news talking about the bus accident.

 This student made film opening takes part in London and whilst a boy is filmed, walking through the city to meet some guys in a parking lot, the credits appear, which looks very professional. The shots are filmed very well and the greenish filter makes it look like a real movie. The key character is introduced in the first couple of minutes and the security guys and the another man appear very soon after that. There is not a lot of dialog and they seem to focus on body language and action.

This opening scene is about a boy who gets lost in the woods after his car broke down and he can not get any signal. It is quite a typical story and except from the start where the boy tries to call someone for help, there is not a lot of dialog. There are quite a low of locations, like his car, the woods and a house he finds. The boy is the key character and the centre of the video and the only other character that appears in the video is a dead guy he finds in the house. The credits at the beginning are well made I think and the moody filter over the shots work well with the story of being lost and walking through a scary forest and a abandoned house.

Diamond 9

October 17, 2016

A film opening should...

Based on now reading the mark scheme, my/our AS Level coursework (a 2 minute opening sequence to a film) should...

Film Review

Film - Stand by me / childhood

October 14, 2016

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"

The story of the four boys Chris, Teddy, Vern and Gordie, is the focus of the movie "Stand by me". On their way to search for a missing dead body, you get a great insight in their friendship and the way it has influenced their childhood. Throughout the trip they talk about their lives, cry of laughter and of sadness, tell each other stories and act like simple young boys who randomly leave their homes to wander off on their own.

The older version of Gordie starts off by telling the story of how he and his three friends found a dead body. The flashback of all of them as 12 year old boys starts with them already being in a very close friendship. The way they talk to each other, very relaxed and not thinking about what to say, you can tell that they already know each other for quite a while.
When you are twelve you do not really know what serious things will expect you when you are older and I especially remember the summers when I was younger, where I lived each day without thinking about the next, and I think that is what Gordie and his friends did. The idea of finding a dead body would seem ridiculous when you are older, but when you are still a child you do not think about any consequences and just do it.

In your childhood you go through many changes and experiences that influence the outcome of you as a person. Especially their relationship to their dads is a main topic and something they seem to worry about. Their dads are their biggest role model even though they do not have the best impact on their sons. Gordie's dad blames him for staying alive and thinks he should be dead instead of his brother and Teddy's father is know as being a 'loony'. Still they are both defending their dads because they are a big influence on their childhood.

The film gives a great impression of how it feels to be young and enjoy your childhood. Thinking about my younger siblings, who grow up with social media and smartphones, I feel very sorry for them for not experiencing such great adventures.